What I am Trying to Do
A truth that's told with bad intent, Beats all the lies you can invent.
Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you.
Energy is eternal delight.
He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.
I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's.
I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me.
Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with Ignorance.
William Blake
The necessary information is out there. There are excellent analysis from the mundane to the economic to the esoteric out here on these intertubes. Even establishment ‘sources’ provide much information if one is practiced in how to connect the dots despite living in the shadow of a false narrative. There is a hazard however in our inclination to ‘put’ any new information, as quickly as we can, into our existing perceptual processing system. Whether that be ideological, religious, humanist or even yankee-yahoo. All these things become ones ‘priest’ or mediator between the information and the receiver.
One result then is that consciousness comes to be used as a limiter rather than as a force for development and evolution. Various tribes may have differently placed firewalls, but they all discount the whole so they may aggrandize some ‘special’ part. But if say, Source is information, then while it flows everywhere, the recognition of it is limited by any shortcoming in the processing efficiency of the individual receiver.
Processing efficiency seems to get limited by potential breath of correspondences within any given set of categories. If one is going literal in finding meaning content within the verses of the Bible for instance, then connections generated by symbols, metaphor and myth, will likely be given short shrift. Then on the other side, the humanists do themselves no favor by also denying general meaning content to ‘metaphysical’ ruminations. Harvard positivists being one form of this dysfunctionality producing value set, providing us with many leading lights of society, along with Ted Kaczynski, don’t forget Ted.
Observation shows that most people use their intellect to fit info bits into their belief system. That’s poor usage of the intellects potential. We could use the intellect to refine our beliefs but there is that little issue of ego. It’s insecure so it tries to ‘fix’ the category, as in make hard, resulting in the personality expressing itself through reactivity instead of being a creative expression of essential self.
A basic assertion of this blog writing is that there must be better models for understanding reality and that we are obligated to direct our attention toward creating those models, perhaps along with a more effective psychical conditioning system to assist in their production.
If existing ‘facts’ do not fit in our containers, then we need to build new containers.
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